"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yesterday at work I was discussing a new procedure with a supervisor and he said. “these are living, breathing checklists- they are not set in stone.”  Immediately, I thought to myself,  “Wow, I just read an article about leadership being a form of nature, not a machine- how interesting.”  I think this is a good start to talking about how I fell about leadership now because I really connected with the “LEADERSHIP IN LIVING ORGANIZATIONS” article. 
            At the beginning of the semester, I did think of leadership as a machine: a way to get from point A to point B.  However, recently, I’ve realizing that leadership is more of a growing process (as my group expressed in form of a flower for our leadership map).
            I think that I still value the same things in a leader: confidence, honesty and passion, but now I see the bigger picture and appreciate and understand other traits and values as a whole.  I see leadership as a more cohesive process.
            I have noticed a bit of change in my feelings in both trait and behavior theories.  I was very anti-trait theory before, but I now see it as a stepping stone to other theories.  I think that certain traits are necessary for a successful leader, but I don’t think traits alone make a great leader.  Additionally, I was very relationship oriented in the beginning and did not see the value in task related behaviors.  I have definitely altered my view on this.  I know see the value in setting a specific task- because otherwise how would something get completed in a timely manner?  I now see that a leader should be both task and relationship oriented to build trust with their team (I didn’t realize until now, but my new feelings on this are reflected in my “media” of choice).
            I feel that in my future I will utilize task oriented behaviors much more than I have in the past.  I do not think I will ever have a full grasp on how I will practice my leadership in the future because I think it will continue to change based on my position, situation, team and more!

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