"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I think the midterm helped me learn a lot about the leadership theories as a whole.  Previously, I was able to read articles and have discussions about theories, but I was not able to actually see specific theories in action.  I think it is important to know that leadership is seen everywhere—places that you would never imagine! Leadership is seen in positive, uplifting situations and in negative, heartbreaking situations.  I think it is also very important to note that leadership theories are not “set in stone”, hence being called a “theory”.  Just because someone has created a theory, doesn’t mean other people will act exactly in the square of that theory.  A leader may use bits and pieces of different theories in their everyday roles. 
            Specifically, I think I saw a little bit of the trait-based theory in all the leaders I examined in Apollo 13.  Previous to this assignment, I did not think this way.  I sort of completely ruled out trait theories.  The movie helped me realize though, that most successful leaders have a ‘base’ of traits-- the rest of their leadership abilities sort of stem from these traits. 
            Also, throughout the course so far, I never really thought of the “skills and competencies” as a part of a successful leader.  Now that just seems silly.  A leader must have specific skills and competencies in their particular situation to be successful.  If not, how could they build a trusting relationship with their team?  Or why would their team respect them when they were assigned tasks?  I did not think of skills and competencies as a part of being a leader, but just part of being an individual.  I now see this differently.
            Previously, the path/goal theory was a little gray to me.  Seeing this theory in action in the movie helped me understand the mix between task and relationship that occurs.  As a result, I really appreciate this theory.  Although the task (arriving back to earth safely) was the most important goal, the team still was relationship oriented. 
            Overall, before the midterm I never really tried to apply leadership theories outside of the class room or work environment.  Thus, I only viewed leadership as a hospitality oriented or related concept.  The midterm expanded my knowledge to realize that leadership surrounds me everywhere!

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