"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

Friday, September 23, 2011

Introduction to Archetypes: the Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator (PMAI)

According to Pearson and Marr, the developers of the PMAI, archetypes are psychological structures reflected in symbols, images and themes common to all cultures and all times.   The expression of each archetype differs between each individual because it is influenced by a person’s culture, setting and time in history. 
            Archetypes are important because they describe an individual’s most important desires and goals.  When activated, we tend to see everything in our lives through their lenses; when understood, we can reach higher potentials and accomplish new tasks. 
            Archetypes, combined with the PMAI, can help us better understand our journey and the various stages of our life.  Archetypes are the guides that can help us know when we are following the best path for us.
            Below are my PMAI results, what each score signifies, and a short description of each archetype.  With further exploration I hope to identify and understand my “tour” guides and continue to fulfill my leadership potential.

MY PMAI Scores:
Creator - 25
Sage - 25
Ruler - 24
Jester - 23
Warrior - 22
Seeker - 22
Lover - 22
Destroyer - 21
Magician - 21
Caregiver - 18
Innocent – 16

What the scores signify:
24-30: These are the most active archetypes in your life. If you have no scores in this range,
then the top two to four in the next range are your most active.
18-23: These archetypes are likely to be available to you when you need them, but do not
determine how you see the world (unless they are your highest).
12-17: These archetypes are not often expressed in your life currently, and you may have
difficulty understanding people who express them.
6-11:You may actively disown these archetypes, either because you have internalized a
belief that they are undesirable or because they may have been over-expressed in
the past.

Join me on my journey in my next post as I explore the guides that are current accompanying my travels: the creator, the sage, and the ruler.  

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