"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

Friday, September 23, 2011

My PMAI Results

            Further review of my PMAI results has helped me understand my current stance as a leader.  Below I discuss my interpretation of the archetypes that are most active in my life now, the ones that define the story I am currently living…  

CREATOR: “You assume what can be imagined can be created”.
            I am highly imaginative.  I consistently strive to create a common vision and goal for my team.  I notice the need for various interpretations of a situation.  I do become overwhelmed as a result of taking on so many projects, however very recently I have become better at delegating projects to others that I have confidence in.  Finally, throughout my entire life, I have always had an inner critic that undermines my own confidence.  I definitely agree that I can benefit individually and as a leader from taming my inner critic.

SAGE: “You assume that ‘the truth will set you free’”.
            By nature, I love ideas and the process of thinking.  I love to ask questions and find the real truth behind a decision or an action.  I always try to stay objective and see all sides of an argument.  At times, I can be very cynical in criticizing the efforts of others.  I have found myself making a decision and channeling out all others’ ideas.
            I find it very interesting that the sage can be excellent and dispassionate analysis because through my exploration of leadership assignment I, as well as my group, identified me as a very passionate leader.

RULER: “You assume that you should exercise control”. 
            I know that healthy social situations do not just happen.  I usually can identify the bigger picture and identify how procedures and systems will benefit the future.  I am good at networking because I see how professional relationships can help get things done.  Many times I have taken responsibility for problems I did not create, but usually find a way to solve that problem.  I enjoy solving these problems, but sometimes I think I do not hold others accountable for creating these problems.  This is where having a commitment to governing for the good of all will definitely benefit my effectiveness as a leader.
            I think it is interesting that the ruler can misinterpret differences in opinion because the creator, as discussed earlier, notices the need for various interpretations and new ideas.

Shadow Archetype: Orphan
            This represents the qualities I may have repressed.  The orphan recognizes that not all problems can be solved and is very realistic about what can be accomplished.  I think my current archetypes lack these qualities and, as a leader, I could really benefit from consciously reminding myself these things.

            Overall, I was a little bit surprised in my top three archetypes.  I think that I have recently changed paths (which may be reflected in my scores because most archetypes scored in the “available to me when I need them” range) and I am still getting used to my somewhat altered goals and desires.  I even mentioned in class that I recently moved into my own place so that I could focus on new goals. 

            Additionally, so far I think I identify more with the archetype theory of leadership than the trait based theory because it accounts more for the changes that occur in ones life; it is more situational.


  1. Your blog caught my eye because the way you view Archetypes and traits based theory was very similar to my conclusion. I believe that you were very open to the Archetypes and I enjoyed reading about how each character related to your life. I had similar Archetypes and you remind me of my love of organization and how you list things!

    I personally feel that you do have passion and the passion creates the different traits you have to learn in order to achieve your situational leadership. I hope to learn more about how this class will bring out your different Archetypes all in one situation.

    Also, the one archetype that stood out the most was your creator side. Just by the quotes, traits you admire, and background of your blog I see the creativity you have. You make a very strong statement about what your leadership theory is in a very subtle way.

    I hope to learn from this because I feel like I am all over the place and your examples have helped me narrow down the difference in Archetypes and Trait based theory.

  2. The PMAI test results fit you perfectly. The creator was an excellent choice for you because you have taken on a few roles that I have seen (HTMSA President and putting together Trick or Suite) and constantly use your imagination to make the organizations better. I like the fact that you are able to realize you become overwhelmed by taking on so many projects. Not too much people admit that and will continue piling on too much and as a result the project doesn’t come together as well.

    Sage was another great choice for you because you have a very considerate personality, someone who does not get involved in arguments. I believe this is a very strong trait for someone because it keeps them out of trouble! I can see the passion you have towards the hospitality industry by staying involved, working, and going to school.

    Great job Tiffany!
