"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

Friday, September 16, 2011

Traits I Admire in a Leader

There are many great leaders that showcase various traits, however, listed below are those traits that I most admire in a leader:

CONFIDENCE: A leader must be confident in their decision, whether it turns out to be the right one or not.  If not, they should have the confidence to try again.  Even amongst failures, the successes will stand out most.  Also, a team must be confident in their leader and this can only occur when a leader is confident in them self.  Plus, confidence is contagious!

HONESTY: A great leader must be honest with their team to gain their trust and respect. A team must trust their leader’s decisions and know their leader has the team’s best interests in mind.  The mutual honesty of a leader and their team will lead to a comfortable and positive working environment for all. 

PASSION:  I believe a successful leader not only leads their team, but also leads them self.  And to lead oneself, one must be passionate about their work, team and goals.  Also, I believe a team is best motivated by a passionate leader. For example, think of the countless sports movie “locker room scenes” where a passionate coach inspires his team to perform at a higher level.  True passion cannot be duplicated or impersonated.

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