"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." -Warren G. Bennis

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Nice Guy.. No More?

Last week I had a very interesting conversation at work... interesting for me- probably not anyone else present, but I thought about it again today when Johanna and I scored each other on the LPI, especially because when I was scoring myself I said, "Wow, this really makes me think!"  At that statement, I heard Brandon from across the room laughing at me. =) I know it was a silly comment to say out loud, but it was/is true.. 

Anyway.. back to work.. 

I've been working in the same position for about three years now and one of my manager's really identified a few of my weaknesses as leader and has been helping me improve each and every day.  To make a long story short, most of my weaknesses usually revolved around me being "too nice".  I have always been the "nice one" and the girl that everybody gets along with.

So, last week my manager told me I was in one of her dreams.  At first, that sounds weird, right?  Well, she said something along the lines of "Yeah! I was so SHOCKED because you were a BAD guy!  I've never seen you as a bad guy; you're always the nice one!  Maybe I was channeling the tough side of you that I want to see."  

When she said this, I couldn’t stop thinking about our ongoing exploration and my personal leadership theory.  And then this week when we discussed an outsider’s view of our leadership, my mind immediately shifted to this conversation again.

The point of this particular blog was to help me realize and begin to understand how others view my traits, behaviors and leadership theory.  Yes, I can take as many structured and standardized tests as I want, but I must also remember to listen, understand and act on from the people that surround me.  

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